Esesua Hughes
My parents sent me from Nigeria to Queen’s University, Belfast for a Masters degree which eventually resulted in obtaining a Doctorate degree. I came to Belfast as a lost, quite purposeless and very confused Christian, battling with anger issues, constant fear and anxiety, introversion and an immense lack of confidence. I was quite satisfied with my many weaknesses and didn’t know that the scripture “His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses” would be fulfilled in my life.
I found Place of Victory for all Nations Church and slowly started to integrate into the very loving community. As God was mindful of me, He sent a friend who introduced me to the School of Disciples course, which I began. As I grew in the Word of the Lord every week of the power packed course, I and the people around me slowly began to see changes in my personality…. positive changes. I got upset less, worried less, interacted a little bit more and even started to confidently share Christ to those around me.
I began to understand who I was in Christ, the enemy’s role in the weaknesses I suffered from, and how to fight off his manipulations. I was given the tools to allow God’s redemptive work to be made manifest in my life. Because of the School of Disciples course, I have returned to Nigeria a happier woman and a more grounded disciple of Christ. I’ve returned with purpose, confidence, knowing that God loves me, empowers me and has made me whole. I now know that the devil and his manipulations over my life can be defeated. Anger has no hold on me. Fear, anxiety, timidity have no place in my life. I have come back victorious, like the golden eagle, to perform greater works!
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Michael Isichei
I enrolled in the School of Disciples because I desired to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus. Regardless of the point at which we find ourselves in our Christian walk, there is always so much more to experience in Christ. I wanted more. I needed more. I saw the School of Disciples as an opportunity to launch further into the deep.
After describing man’s frailty and God’s Majesty, Job, in the book of Job chapter 26, said, ‘Indeed, these are the mere edges of His ways’. Things that are awesome and difficult for us to comprehend are but the mere edges of God’s ways! But knowing that God desires to make Himself known to us, I decided to submit myself to a process of drawing nearer to Him through the School of Disciples. I did this knowing that He would have no choice but to reciprocate and draw nearer to me, because that’s what His word says in James 4:8.
The School was rigorous, as I expected it to be, based on testimonials that I had heard. Over the course of several months I was stretched physically and spiritually. Physically, in that I and my peers listened attentively and contributed to classes, which took place for a number of hours. Spiritually, in that each time we covered a topic, I felt challenged to pray and study the bible more, so that I could experience the dimensions in God that we were learning about.
As I went through the school it was apparent that discipleship is a very intentional process and that nobody becomes an effective disciple of Jesus Christ accidently. The Apostle Paul, in Philippians 2:12-15 stated that mature believers ought to continuously press on in Christ until we reach the end of the race that has been set before us. I value every lesson, contribution, and minute spent reading each of the 10 manuals because they were all opportunities to press on in Christ.
Having gone through the School of Disciples, I can testify that my relationship with Jesus Christ has become deeper. My relationship with the Holy Spirit, who knows the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10), has become more intimate. I’m hearing Him more, listening to Him more and submitting to Him more than ever before. The School of Disciples will equip you with the understanding that you need to become an effective disciple of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
If you want to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and become an excellent representative of God’s kingdom, the School of Disciples is the school for you. It provides a strong foundation upon which you can build, as you continue in Christ’s unending school of discipleship.